Surrender to the body’s intelligence

The potential for alignment and flow of energy

throughout the totality of our physical form

is deeply related to surrender.


Surrender what and surrender to what?


Surrender the ways in which we present ourselves to others or to ourselves -which have to do with our beliefs.


Surrender the ways in which we guard ourselves or protect ourselves from whatever we don’t want to invite in our experience -which also have to do with our beliefs: ‘This is good/this is bad’


So when we surrender our beliefs about what’s good and what’s not good for us,

or the ideas we have about how others perceive us, when we drop the guards and the presentations,

then we can start tuning into the true intelligence of the body.


Surrendering to the intelligence of the body means remembering the wisdom embedded in each cell

and in the space between the cells.


The same wisdom that permeates the earth.

The same wisdom that keeps the Universe going.


Surrendering means allowing the body to be in harmony with whatever situation.

Symmetry, descent, lengthening, expansion.


The muscles and the stories held in the muscles get tenderized

so that the bones can sing the song written in the minerals that made them.


4 thoughts on “Surrender to the body’s intelligence

  1. malka February 2, 2012 / 2:38 pm

    wow guillermo: beautifully said!

    • grozenthuler January 18, 2013 / 6:47 pm

      thank you Malka! have abandoned this blog for a while but here aim again… hope you are well…

    • grozenthuler April 10, 2013 / 2:54 pm

      thank you sir! how busy are you these days? would love a coffee sometime if your schedule allows

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